Melrose High School Permanent Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund in memory of Joseph A. Rotondi was first established in 1969 by his many friends and relatives. Joe distinguished himself by his devotion to hockey in Melrose. He played hockey for three years while attending Melrose High School, and was named ALL-Scholastic from the Greater Boston Interscholastic Hockey League in 1936.
He graduated from Melrose High School in the Class of 1936 and continued with his interest in hockey with the Mount Hood Hockey Club and in managing and coaching the PeeWee Hockey League for many years. Joe was also instrumental in the formation and development of the Junior Reds Hockey program.
Joe was one of thirteen children in the Rotondi family, His father founded and operated the G. Rotondi & Sons Contracting business. After graduating from high school, Joe worked with his father in this business. He married Miss Josephine Capone of Winchester. After their marriage, they made their home at 188 Laurel Street with their four children: Brenda, Edward, Karen and Robert.
Mr. Rotondi was not only well known for his hockey and business interests, but was equally well known and Loved for his Loyalty to the community and his many activities in the Church of The Incarnation. He was a devoted family man, but contributed generously to all the youth of Melrose through his interest in hockey. Joe passed away on September 4, 1968.
It is most fitting, therefore, that this scholarship be awarded annually to a worthy senior hockey player who plans to continue his education beyond high School.
THE MELROSE HIGH SCHOOL PERMANENT SCHOLARSHIP FUND congratulates you upon receiving this memorial scholarship. The founders of this scholarship will always be interested in your plans and progress.
Joseph A. Rotondi Memorial Scholarship
A student who has played hockey for Melrose, maintained a credible record both as a student and a citizen.
Category: Sport, Personal Traits, All
Specifics: Hockey