
Scholarship Fund Names

William J. Reynolds Memorial Scholarship*    Sport, All  Golf 
William F. Tryder, Jr. Memorial Scholarship    Sport, All   
Ronald Ward Face Memorial Scholarship*    Sport, All  Baseball 
Richard "Whit" Whitworth Swimming Scholarship*    Sport, Personal Traits, All  Swimming 
Philip B. Churchill Memorial Scholarship*    Sport, Baseball, All  Various Baseball & Leagues 
Melissa Gillis Memorial Scholarship*    Academic Achievement, Career, Gender, Sport, Extra Curricular, All  Female Student, Sciences, Varsity Sports, Yearbook 
Matthew C. Schille Memorial Scholarship    Sport, Academic Achievement, Interest in Art, All   
June A. Graham Memorial Track Scholarship*    Gender, Sport, Personal Traits, All  Female, Track & Field or Cross Country, Various Traits 
Joseph A. Rotondi Memorial Scholarship*    Sport, Personal Traits, All  Hockey 
James F. Buchert Memorial Scholarship*    Academic Achievement, Personal Traits, Sport, All  Good Student, Role Model, Baseball or Softball 
James A. Shanahan Memorial Scholarship*    Sport, Need, Personal Traits, Community, All  Various 
Henry W. Hughes Memorial Scholarship    Sport, All  Hockey 
Harold W. Poole Memorial Scholarship    Sport, All  Football or Hockey 
Gil Priestley Memorial Scholarship    Sport, Personal Traits, All  Various 
Edward J. Lloyd Scholarship    Academic, Sport, All   
David J. Wasdyke Memorial Scholarship    Academic Achievement, Sport, All  Hockey or Golf 
Danny Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund*    Personal Traits, Sport, Community, All  Adversity, Baseball, Golf or Band, "all around good kid 
Clifford P. Somerville Memorial Scholarship    Sport, All  Baseball or Basketball 
Charles C. Cliff McDonald Scholarship    Sport, Personal Traits, All   
Carol & Bob Messenger Scholarship    Community, Sport, Arts, Enthusiasm for School, All   
Beth A. Lucien Scholarship*    Personal Traits, Academic Achievement, Sport, Financial, All  Empathy 
Andrea Gurard-Levin MHS Boys Soccer Scholarship    Gender, Sport, All  Male, Soccer 

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